Bees are helping to create a buzz at St Mary’s Church, thanks to the production of churchyard honey.
People walking through the churchyard have been keen to try out the churchyard honey – since the launch of the produce this summer.
As part of their commitment to become an Eco Church, St Mary’s offered the churchyard as a space for beehives in 2021. The introduction of approximately 60,000 bees has helped the church with the land management of the church yard, encouraging biodiversity and pollinators alongside wildflower areas.
The honey was launched during a special Bee Day event and sold out within 30 minutes. Revd Sue Adeney, from St Mary’s Church, explained: “People in our community have been both enthusiastic and fascinated that we are doing this. Many people came to our Bee Day and were disappointed not to buy the honey as it sold out so quickly.
“Lots of interest in what people could to do to encourage bees in their own gardens etc and it was lovely to see the bees attracted lots of non-regular church goers and walkers to the church.”
St Mary’s Church has also partnered with the Parish Council on an Eco and Habitats group to increase biodiversity across the whole parish and is working with the local school on a fashion project along the themes of eco, waste, repair and vintage.