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There are ten issues per year, including two double issues (July/August and December/January) delivered directly to your door.  The 2022 annual subscription rate is £6, or pro rata if you subscribe part way through the subscription year.

Copy and any accompanying artwork/photos should be emailed to by the deadline (15th of the month), for inclusion in the following month's issue. Copy should be submitted in a Word document attached to the email. Please supply your name and contact details in case of any queries. Articles and certain other editorial pieces are normally attributed, so you will need to let the Editor know if you do not wish your name to be published.

All editorial copy may be subject to editing and there may be occasions when non-time-sensitive copy is held back to a following issue. Inclusion in the magazine is at the discretion of the Editor.

All contributions are welcomed, from a few lines to a full article. If you do not think writing is your main skill, don't worry, the Editor will check for sense, conciseness, spelling and punctuation, etc. The important thing is to communicate with, inform and interest your fellow villagers and hopefully amuse them at times too.



This website is run by volunteers.  We work hard to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up to date, but If you spot anything that needs changing, or would like us to add anything to the site/calendar, please email as soon as possible.  




© 2025 by Hanley Parish.

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